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Birdtober 2024 part 01

  Blue Jay, American Robin, Eastern Blue bird and Banded Kingfisher Hi!  Half way through October already!  The art challenge I've been working on this month is Birdtober by  Andrea Holmes , an artist from the USA.  These are the first dozen I have done thus far.  I'll post up the prompts once the challenge is all over.  It's been a fun one to do.  I do love birds and drawing them.   Northern Mockingbird, Red-winged Blackbird, Northern Cardinal, Blue Heron I don't draw a lot of North American birds so the prompts given have been great!  Discovering new birds to draw and read up on.  I draw a lot of Australian birds so I only knew a few of the prompts like the Blue Jay, and Northern Cardinal.  The rest of this batch, I have not drawn before. Ruby Crowned Kinglet, Black Crested Tit, Barn Swallow, House Finch The series is drawn with colour pencils and copic markers.  I've decided to not use a black outline either and it's giving the series a more subtle look, in m

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