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Snacking Raccoons

AAAAAAh!  How can it be March already!!!!!  Things have been busy in Feb.  I am still at Studio Moshi but have signed another contract to start at another studio this month.  Which is always a great relief to any freelancer/contractor: scoring the next gig.  I also had freelance going in Feb that's all wrapped up now and have continued doing 1-2 patterns a week and a whole lot of motifs.  The raccoons above, I painted using gouache and then edited and turned it into a pattern in Photoshop. I don't think I'd mind drawing up more cute animals to make into a pattern.  This year has been going well so far with the surface pattern design individual pieces (though I really need to make a few collections soon), with 17 patterns to date and more on the way!  There's a few I haven't been able to release yet but hopefully I can talk about them soon! Otherwise, things have been going well.  Keeping busy with work and personal projects.  Any news fo...

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